Hi, I'm Norbert! 👋

I'm an accessibility and usability expert.

I help organizations create accessible, user-friendly products through actionable audits and engaging trainings.

Case studies

Explore real-world accessibility audits

Curious about how my audits look in action? Explore real case studies that illustrate my unique approach combining accessibility insights with usability recommendations.

Audit features

Discover how my audits drive results

Blending expert review with user testing, my audits provide way more than a checklist of issues — they equip your team to maintain accessibility over the long term, avoiding costly re-audits.

Three callouts with additional insights user experience, usability and technical considerations.

Insights beyond compliance

Discover critical insights about usability, UX, and technical aspects, alongside your accessibility compliance needs.
A javascript code snippet about programmatic focus management.

Solution oriented recommendations

I provide in-depth explanations and suggest specific fixes, supported by images, videos, and code snippets.
WCAG 2.1 compliant, ADA/Section 508 conforming, EN 301 549 ready

Compliance with standards

I am proficient in conducting audits for WCAG 2.1, ADA, Section 508, EN 301 549 and in creating VPATs and ACRs.
A screen capture of Norbert's and another person's avatar from a user testing session.

Verified with user testing

My audits include testing with people using assistive technologies with video excerpts for further context attached.
A callout saying: Automate your testing process by adding Pa11y to the CI/CD pipeline.

In-context training integrated

I integrate the principles and know-how along with process and tool recommendations, to encourage learning while fixing.

Audit format

Learn how I deliver my insights

My ultimate goal is for you to ship accessible products. Therefore, I offer a range of tailored deliverables and post-delivery consultation, ensuring the most efficient resolution.

A slide deck page detailing the nuances of focus indicator styling for accessibility.

Big picture slide-deck

A comprehensive 30-40 page presentation that distills the big picture into an easily understandable and shareable format.
A slide deck page detailing the nuances of focus indicator styling for accessibility.

Detailed audit documentation

An extremely thorough written document that encapsulates all issues, insights and actionable implementation recommendations.
A kanban board with accessibility tasks.

Prioritized issue roadmap

A carefully prioritized list of all issues in a ticket format that can be imported to JIRA or similar project tracking tools.
A screenshot of a calendar with audit review and training meetings with Norbert.

On-going support

Recognizing that implementation can take considerable time, I provide 10 hours of consultation that can be used for a year.


Insights about accessibility and beyond

Thoughts, opinions, and resources about inclusive design, usability, user experience, and accessibility.

About me

On a mission to make the web more inclusive

Headshot of Norbert Pap

Norbert Pap

With over 15 years of experience in building digital products and leading design teams, my passion for creating inclusive products has driven me to focus on digital accessibility and inclusive design.


I hold the highest level of certification in web accessibility, CPWA by the IAAP.

Certified Professional in Web Accessibility by the International Association of Accessibility ProfessionalsWeb Accessibility Specialist by the International Association of Accessibility ProfessionalsCertified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals

Ready to ship accessible products?

Get in touch today at norbert@norbertpap.com to schedule a kick-off meeting and get started.